This picture was featured in the Pro Rodeo Sports News. In the above photo Blake is pictured with Doug Forzani and Ryan Rodriguez. The picture to the right actually was the opening to the Kid's Rodeo. They took Blake in the middle of the arena and turned off all the lights and had a spot light on him. Then Ryan, Doug, and Jim (Bullfighters from Two Bulls.com) came out. The boys also bought all the bullfighters new bandanas for their baggies. Someone stole their gear from their truck, while it was in a parking lot. So, we thought it would be really nice to get them something to remember the boys by. The colors of the bandanas were the same colors of the boys shrits for the event (red, blue, and orange...and one that was an American theme as well). 
Well, as you can tell we started Blake out early. Here he is getting his rope ready for the "muttin' bustin'" event. Blake really enjoyed riding!
